Documentation Tutorials
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1202 outline
This outline will show you all the highlights to help you get started.
Logging in
After signing up, you'll receive an email with the URL of your 1202 system, username and password. Go to the URL, log in with the provided username and password.
Once you're logged in, you can add or edit users, set the system title, and much, much more.
Lost the email or didn't get it? My 1202 offers an option to recover your account.
System sections
Your 1202 system is divided into four sections: 'Content', 'Model', 'System' and 'Log'.
Being the 'main' section, the 'Content' section is for managing the system's content. Not only the content you wish to use 1202 for, but also 'core' content for the system itself, like users and guides.
The 'Content' section consists of containers and their views.
Navigate through the content top-down. After selecting the 'Content' system section, select a container or view, then use the container's or view's 'Overview' and 'Filter' sections to show its content.
Models translate the system's content for retrieval, for instance to view it on a website. Each model consists of one or more blocks, which you 'feed' with content by linking them to content filters. You can output the content as JSON or model the blocks with tags like HTML or XML and 1202 script, which can manipulate the content you feed into it.
For more info: view the 'Model' documentation.
System-wide settings and features are brought together in the 'System' section. You can change the system title, language and various thresholds. Creating new containers, recovering deleted items and importing data are three other important features.
For more info: view the 'System' documentation.
Your 1202 system logs every session. You can view performed actions within these sessions in the Log section. From the log, you can instantly jump to items that were edited or created.
For more info: view the 'Log' documentation.
Containers hold the system's content. They all contain 'items'. Default containers are:
- User: system users.
- User profile: profiles which can be applied to users.
- Guide: step-by-step instructions to help users perform tasks in your system.
- Guide element: the steps that guides consist of.
- Text: basic text items.
- Image: uploaded images.
- File: uploaded files.
- Tag: tags to label items from other containers.
You cannot delete these default containers. Default containers can be altered. However, adding or removing fields is prohibited for the 'User', 'User profile', 'Guide' and 'Guide element' containers.
Tip: You can add a new container in the 'System' section.
Containers and their content are managed in five different sections: 'Overview', 'Filter', 'New item', 'Edit item' and 'Settings'.
The overview shows the container's current content (items). You can sort the overview, search within it, export or print the data shown. But most importantly, you can select one or more items to edit or delete. Mouse-over or tap on an item to view the options.
The default sort of the overview can be set in the 'Settings' section of a container.
For more info: view the 'Overview' documentation.
Filter is basically an advanced search option with the possibility to save your search criteria as a 'filter'. Filters offer a lot of possibilities like (multiple) sorting, grouping and limiting. You can also link filters to users in order to let these filters show up as 'My filters' for these particular users.
For more info: view the 'Filter' documentation.
New/edit item
Create new items in 'New item'. When editing an item, 'Edit item' will show up next to 'New item'. This way, you can simultaneously work on a new and an existing item. Both sections are laid out identically.
For more info: view the 'New/edit item' documentation.
In 'Settings' you can change the structure of the container. Add, edit or remove fields and change their order. Select what can be linked: which containers should users be able to pick items from to create a link when adding/editing items?
General options include the container name, default appearance of the overview, options to save drafts/backups and container tags (tags give you the possibility to group containers).
For more info: view the 'Settings' documentation.
The container overview is based on the structure of the items in it, with linked items shown in a single column. If you want a different overview, particularly with the linked items split out into columns, 'views' are what you need.
A view is always based on a container. But you can completely customize its structure, without affecting the structure or content of their parent container. It is just a different way of showing items and the items they're linked to. Conveniently, views have their own filters – very useful in regard to models.
Views have 'Overview', 'Filter' and 'Settings' sections, just like containers, but since they don't contain items themselves, they don't have 'New item' and 'Edit item' sections.
You can create as many views as you like. Creating views is done in the Settings section of a container. Click 'Create new view' and a new view will appear. Delete a view by going to the Settings section of the particular view, click 'Delete this view'.
Managing content
When managing content, you're always working in the 'Content' section. Within 'Content', select the container to which you wish to add, edit or remove one or more items. The container will open the overview by default.
From here:
- Add an item: click on 'New item'.
- Edit or delete an item: mouse-over or tap on an item in the overview, click 'Edit' or 'Delete'.
- Edit or delete multiple items: click on the items you want to edit, scroll down and click 'Edit … items' or 'Delete ... items'.
To edit or delete all items on the current page of the overview, scroll down and click 'Select all', then click 'Edit … items' or 'Delete … items'.
You can change the overview sort (click on the headers of the table), set a different number of rows or use the quick search box (both situated top right).
For a more advanced search, go to the 'Filter' section and fill out some filter criteria before clicking 'Test filter'. This will generate an overview, from which you have the same options for editing and deleting as the 'regular' overview.
Managing users
All users of the system are items in the 'User' container. At a minimum, they all have a username and password.
Users in 1202 have permissions. What is not permitted, is by definition restricted. Each user (item) has a permission table for sections, containers and views. For containers and views the permissions are 'read', 'write' and 'control'. For sections, permission options vary.
Managing users is mostly a matter of selecting the proper permission levels for system sections, containers and views.
For advanced user management, use user profiles. User profile items consist only of a name and the same permission tables as user items. The selected permission levels in these tables can be applied to users by linking a user to a user profile.
For more info: view the 'Permissions' documentation.
Managing guides
Guides are step-by-step instructions for users to help them perform tasks in your 1202 system. For instance, creating a new article for a website and linking it to the right page. You can create a new guide by adding an item to the 'Guide' container.
For your guide to work you need to create the steps (guide elements) of which your guide consists and link the guide to the users to whom the guide should be available.
Create the guide steps by adding items to the container 'Guide element'. In the 'Guide action' field you can define to where it should automatically take the user.
Link the new steps to your new guide, go to the guide item to put the steps in the right order (in the 'Sort elements' field). Lastly, link the guide to the users who should be able to use the guide. They can do so by clicking on a bar at the bottom of their screen and starting the particular guide.
For more info: view the 'Guides' documentation.
Get data (API)
Models function as an intermediary for getting content from your 1202 system to a remote location, for instance a webserver with your site on it. In models, you define blocks, which are 'fed' based on content filters.
Retrieving data is therefore a matter of requesting model blocks, based on their id.
There are two ways to get data from your 1202 system: client-side or server-side.
You can use query strings to pass modifiers for the content filters that are linked to the model blocks. The query string names will have to be defined as aliases in the content filters for the modifiers to work.
For more info: view the 'API' documentation.
Requesting a model block server-side is easy and clean. It is a simple HTTP GET request, like looking up a web page. The syntax of the URL for the request is:
https://[your system name][id][modifiers]
Using modifiers, or GET variables, to get for example an article by its 'id' (using PHP):
echo file_get_contents('');
Be sure to 'alias' the modifiers to actual fields within the linked content filter.
When you do not have the option of uploading a script to the server, or want to dynamically load data from the client, you can do it client-side using JavaScript.
A JavaScript library like jQuery makes it easy to retrieve and display data. Make sure you have jQuery loaded and use the following piece of code:
$.getJSON('https://[your system name][id]?1202cb=?', function (data) {
This appends the data retrieved from your 1202 system to the div
element with the id
'content' on your webpage.